Somewhere high in the sky obscured by the building clouds a jet flies overhead, sound the only giveaway.
Buzzards gliding around in lazy circles looking for an easy meal on their southbound trip to Mexico.
The wind picks up now and then, blowing a cool breeze down the creek.
Cow bells clank comfortably in the upper feed lot. Temperatures are dropping in the mountains and they think it's time to come home. 5 1/2 more weeks, but fall is coming.
Their bawls echo down through the valley as they hear the roar of my papa's flatbed. Thinking they should be home and hay awaiting.
The horses idly munch away, undistrutbed by the racket and activity around them.
Everything around us says fall is here, even though it's only the first of September.
It seems as though winter may come early this year, cold and bitter. Mother Natures' icy hand sweeping over us.
I love being home, sitting high on the hill where our house overlooks a big piece of the valley. I love listening and feeling and pretending I'm in a simpler time.
Before our house was built here, before many of the houses were built here. When family was family and friends were too.
In a couple weeks I'll be headed north once again. The last time I'll leave home headed for University.
The bells still clanking and buzzards still circling...
XO Loves,