Scorup Cabin

Scorup Cabin

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Horse Creek Winter

I took this photo last week from the hay barn, when we finally got Snow.  I think winter has taken awhile getting to everyone this year, but I was so excited to wake up to real snow, Finally! 

Unfortunately, I had to work every day we had good snow.  Makes it difficult to get good pictures.  Elevation wise we're only 1500 ft.  So unless its a good winter, we generally don't get snow, just cold rain.  We also live in a canyon, so most storms blow right over us.  Or on the rare bad winter occasion, the storm sits right over our canyon and hits us hard!   It's these winters, that I Love most!!!  The Klamath River may have a low elevation, but it's steep, mountainous terrain, and we're blessed enough to have 4 actual seasons. 

I took this picture Friday morning before I left with a pickup-bed full of beef.  Notice the mountain in the far back still looks the same, but dang it, most of the snow has been rained off! I don't think the replacement heifers are happy about it either!  At least with the snow they weren't soaked through.  The donkeys are still holed up in the barn.  They have the whole corral to roam in, but haven't yet left the dry solace of the shed.  They act as if they're locked in.  And bray and bray whenever they hear the front door open.  Silly donkeys!  It pretty much rained all day, so I thought I'd take this time to write a quick post!

XOXO Loves
