Scorup Cabin

Scorup Cabin

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Night Rains

Tonight as I sat in my room watching Netflix while my parents were watching The Voice, it started to rain.  We desperately needed it and thankfully it came in between cutting fields. 

The sky was dark and the rain fell steadily, bouncing off the tarps on the dog kennels outside of my window.  The crickets were chirping, night birds singing, the toads were amass on the patio, my pup was ruffing at sounds unheard.  When I went outside the smell was amazing, wonderful, refreshing and so many more adjectives I can't even think of.  There's no real way to describe the way the world smells when it rains.  It just is.  Whether you're in the city, the desert, the rainforest or anywhere in between it's still the best smell you'll ever smell.  Maybe it's the fact that rain or water itself is life giving and as animals we rely more directly on it than any other resource available. Whatever the reason, it's amazing.

I've been living in the high desert and I love the smell of wet sagebrush, but tonight was a scent long forgotten.  It hasn't been terribly long since I've been home in the rain, but it's been quite sometime since I've been home for a summer rain.  And it was fantastic.  The smell, the sounds, the quiet, the darkness, all of it means I'm home.  The place I'll always call home no matter how far I stray. 

XO Loves,


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