Scorup Cabin

Scorup Cabin

Friday, April 1, 2011

Inability to Choose

i dont know, im confused, unsure, uncertain, why should/shouldn't i

there are many ways to express confusion or indecision over the choices we make everyday.  big or little, insignificant or life altering.  it doesn't matter.  each time we are presented with a choice, we consider the pros vs. cons or good vs. bad.  in some cases that's a very good idea.  however, by systematically weighing out each side, we make our decision tougher.  we have all been there, all said these words, well now what do i do...

no one in our world is perfect, and quite often we are all  unable to choose.  sometimes its this inability that makes us who we are.  right, wrong or indifferent our choices in life shape and mold us.  allow us to grow and learn.

so while men may cuss us women for not just making up our minds already, they too are quite often indecisive.  and its ok for us to occasionally choose to be gray rather than black or white

that's all for now my pretties



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